For each question CIRCLE the number that best applies to your experience with that symptom over the past 3 months.
0 - Never or rarely – It is rare to experience this symptom.
1 - Occasionally – Once in awhile you may experience this – maybe once or twice a month.
2 - Often – You experience this 1-2 times a week, enough that it bothers you.
3 - Regularly – You are constantly aware of this as it occurs almost every day or weekly.
GROUP 8: Urinary System:
200. Blood pressure high
201. Frequent skin rashes
202. Threads of mucus in stool
203. Bowel – constant pain and diarrhea
204. Frequent urinary tract infections
205. Gout symptoms
206. Pain in big toe
207. Pain or burning when urinating
208. Involuntary release of urine when you cough, lift or are active
209. Mild lower back ache or pain
210. Frequent stomach aches
211. Strong smelling urine
212. General water retention through body
213. Tired
214. Allergies – environmental
215. Frequent sinus infections
216. Sinus draining down back of throat
217. Difficult to empty bladder
218. Sinus headaches
219. Migraine headaches
220. Belching, bloating, gas in lower abdomen
221. History of kidney stones
222. Sweat stinks
223. Feet stink
Total Score for Group 8