For each question CIRCLE the number that best applies to your experience with that symptom over the past 3 months.
0 - Never or rarely – It is rare to experience this symptom.
1 - Occasionally – Once in awhile you may experience this – maybe once or twice a month.
2 - Often – You experience this 1-2 times a week, enough that it bothers you.
3 - Regularly – You are constantly aware of this as it occurs almost every day or weekly.
GROUP 9: Musculoskeletal System
224. Bones ache
225. Pain in muscles, ligaments or tendons
226. Consistent pain in joints, day and night
227. Pain in joints until “warmed up”
228. Concerned about osteoporosis
229. Muscles weak
230. Frequent sports injuries
231. Shin splints
232. Knee pain
233. Joints not flexible, stiff
234. Back ache in upper back
235. Back ache in mid back
236. Back ache in lower back
237. Neck stiff or aches
238. Ligaments, tendons weak or injured
239. History of bone(s) broken or injured
240. History of ruptured or herniated discs
241. Muscle spasms
242. Body creaks and/or cracks when walking or getting up
Total Score for Group 9