Traveling Man is a revolutionary new mobile application that puts your offers in the hands of consumers at the specific time they are making a purchasing decision. Mobile advertising delivers messages that are timelier and more personal than any other advertising medium. Our phones follow us to work, home and play, so offers can reach us wherever we are and whenever we need them.

The best part about Traveling Man for vendors is that you only pay when consumers access your offers. Consumers search for offers based upon categories and offers are returned. The only time you pay is when they see your offer and decide to view it. You are able to set your preferences on how much you would like to pay for your offer to appear, define your overall marketing budget and decide who is be able to see your offers. You are in control of how long your offers are available and can add and remove offers in real time.

With Traveling Man you will have a dashboard that shows how many times your offer was selected. This provides you with valuable insight that can be used to strengthen or soften your offers over time.