For each question CIRCLE the number that best applies to your experience with that symptom over the past 3 months.
0 - Never or rarely – It is rare to experience this symptom.
1 - Occasionally – Once in awhile you may experience this – maybe once or twice a month.
2 - Often – You experience this 1-2 times a week, enough that it bothers you.
3 - Regularly – You are constantly aware of this as it occurs almost every day or weekly.
GROUP 1: Immune System
1. Cuts heal slowly
2. Frequent colds
3. Flu symptoms that last more than 3 days
4. Colds/Infections tend to settle in lungs
5. Fevers often
6. Feel “drowsy” often
7. Catch whatever “is going around”
8. Low energy
9. Crave processed and/or fast foods
10. Mucus discharge from any part of body
11. Swollen glands
12. Dry eyes (fever in eyes)
Total Score for Group 1