For each question CIRCLE the number that best applies to your experience with that symptom over the past 3 months.
0 - Never or rarely – It is rare to experience this symptom.
1 - Occasionally – Once in awhile you may experience this – maybe once or twice a month.
2 - Often – You experience this 1-2 times a week, enough that it bothers you.
3 - Regularly – You are constantly aware of this as it occurs almost every day or weekly.

GROUP 1: Immune System

1. Cuts heal slowly

2. Frequent colds

3. Flu symptoms that last more than 3 days

4. Colds/Infections tend to settle in lungs

5. Fevers often

6. Feel “drowsy” often

7. Catch whatever “is going around”

8. Low energy

9. Crave processed and/or fast foods

10. Mucus discharge from any part of body

11. Swollen glands

12. Dry eyes (fever in eyes)

No Yes

No Yes

No Yes

No Yes









Total Score for Group 1

Progress:   1 - 10

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